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We are
entrepreneurial techies.

With a team consisting of both computer scientists and economists, we build bridges from technology to business and from business to investing.

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About BitFlow

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While Technical Due Diligence is widespread in the United States, it is a relatively new aspect of a company valuation in Europe. Talking to private equity and venture capital investors, it became more and more obvious that there is high demand for Tech Due Diligence providers specialized on software companies. Current providers usually do not fulfill investor’s expectations in terms of depth and breadth of the assessment, and therefore common Tech Due Diligences do not contribute to long-term success. Convinced that BitFlow is able to deliver high-quality Tech Due Diligence, we engaged with private equity and venture capital investors in order to learn more about their specific needs.

After about 50 interviews, BitFlow developed a buy-side Tech Due Diligence framework for software companies specifically tailored to private equity and venture capital investors’ needs. BitFlow’s growing team has successfully applied their framework to de-risk tech investments ranging from small software projects to huge ERP providers and financial service software. Our framework is continuously improving to help investors make even better investment decisions. It also provides the basis for our sell-side Due Diligence services. Here, we support software companies on preparing for the investor’s Tech Due Diligence.

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Our Team

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Florian Weigand

Founder & Due Diligence Manager (Tech)
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Florian is characterised by pioneering projects that he realised during his studies with well-known companies such as Siemens, Bosch and Munich Airport. After successfully completing his Master's degree at the Technical University of Munich, he took on a key role in an up-and-coming tech start-up as Lead Developer at Foodora.

With sound knowledge and practical experience, Florian took the plunge into founding a company. He gained valuable experience in various start-ups, such as Planerio GmbH, a health tech start-up whose management landed a multi-million euro exit last year. He then became CTO of Bernstein Technologies GmbH, a VC-funded start-up specialising in the protection of intellectual property through blockchain.

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Ralf Vogler

Due Diligence Manager (Tech)
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Ralf holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Munich and a PhD in Software Verification. His impressive experience spans projects with well-known companies such as BMW, msg systems, SurgicEye and Munich Airport, which underlines his in-depth expertise and hands-on approach.

Ralf's multifaceted expertise spans a wide range of projects in which he has developed innovative solutions. His research in the field of software verification has led to the development of state-of-the-art static analysis tools. Ralf's particular fondness for functional programming, the use of complex type systems and metaprogramming is testament to his love of innovation.

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Tina Trugge

Finance & Accounting
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Tina is our expert in the field of finance and accounting. She completed her training as an industrial clerk at the renowned international IT company Diebold Nixdorf. She then completed a dual business studies programme with practical placements in London, Frankfurt and Hamburg. After successfully completing her studies, Tina worked in Sales Administration for Diebold Nixdorf in Munich for several years and supported the Free State of Bavaria in cost and performance accounting. Her broad expertise and practical experience make Tina a reliable contact for our customers.

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Kayra Aka

Business Development Manager
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With a degree in Business Administration and a Master's degree in progress, Kayra brings a breath of fresh air to BitFlow. Through her diverse experience in various key areas such as Human Resources, Marketing and Sales, Kayra has gained a comprehensive insight into the dynamic world of IT organisations.  With her positive personality, communication skills and empathetic nature, she not only enriches the team, but also the working atmosphere at BitFlow.

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Our next colleague

Have been a CTO? Want to deep dive into software companies on a regular basis and keep up with state-of-the-art and upcoming technologies? Together with a highly ambitious team?

If you want to help bring Tech Due Diligence to the next level, please either apply directly to an open position or send your unsolicited application to - we are looking forward to hearing from you!

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